Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank You President Bush

I was watching the news last night and Charles Gibson was interviewing President Bush for probably his last time as president. I must say I was pleased to see the reporter acting respectfully toward President Bush. As we all well know this has not been the case for much of President Bush's eight years in office. He has been accused by many people, on many occasions of being the worst president our nation has ever had. People, especially public figures like Joy Behar from the popular show The View have been down right disrespectful toward President Bush because of "all the mistakes he has made in office." To all the Bush haters out there I just have to ask "WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU ALL HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY?" What would your reaction have been to watching evil terrorists kill mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and the very worst.... children? What would your reaction be to watching osama bin laden(I refuse to capitolize his name) on video take the blame for the vicious acts and then laugh about it? George Bush has had one of the hardest presidencies in our nation's history! He has had to overcome some serious shit! It absolutely makes me sick to hear people say they wish George Bush could have been more like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton, are you freaking kidding me? I can't possibly believe that a man was a good president when he couldn't even be a good husband. I know George Bush has made mistakes, but the President of the most powerful country in the world is still only human. So I say thank you President Bush. Thank you for beleiving in God and admitting it every day of your life. Thank you for not being a perfect public speaker, you are more real and more fun to watch that way. Thank you for not letting those disgusting terrorists get away with what they did. Some of us have not forgotten that morning on September 11, 2001. Some of us carry the same feelings today, as we carried that morning and we salute you!

Friday, November 7, 2008

John and Kate Plus 8 Rumors

I am a huge fan of the TLC hit show John and Kate plus 8. The show captures the daily lives of John and Kate Gosselin, as well as their twins and four-year-old sextuplets (that's six kids at once.) Many people have a problem with the amount of free bees that the Gosselin's receive and many also beleive they are exploiting their children by having their lives taped. Recently there have been many rumors posted on blogs about these issues, as well as issues that John and Kate have been having with family members. If you want to read the rumors you can find them at http://www.fanpop.com/spots/jon-and-kate-plus-8/forum/post/16491/2, however I do not believe most of these things and I have something to say to the people who continue to bash this family. I am a middle school teacher at an inner city school near Austin Texas. I mention this because I see the affect that poverty has on children and their education. Just think of how much money the Gosselin's must need in order to live a good lifestyle. I truly think they just want what is best for their children, and filming the popular show allows them to give their children the things they need and want. Any parent alive will tell you they want to give their children nice things, the Gosselins are no different! As far as the rumors are concerned we don't know what their situation is or what has occured between them and their families. My brother was killed in a horrible accident three years ago and the rumors that circulated around his death tore my family apart. Rumors are words that can never be taken back! If you are not a part of the Gosselin's everyday life, then please don't spread things that could possibly be damaging to their lives and family. If you think they are bad people pray for them, and ask God to give them kind hearts.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama

I am so excited to have this new blog. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have an opinion about everything, and now I can share it with the world! This blog is in response to our recent election of Barack Obama. I will first say that I am a republican and was in support of John McCain. I believe he is better qualified, and I just trust him more with the fate of our country. That being said I must say that I am excited about the possibilities of having a black president. I refuse to call him an African-American, because he is not from Africa. His decedents are not from Africa either, he is simply an American who has a black father and a white mother. Anyway, as I was saying I am excited to know that the inner city students who I teach will finally be able to see that they can be more than rap singers and NFL players. They will finally see that any person who works hard and values their education can accomplish any goal they work toward. Our country is quickly becoming a land of stupid people who do not value education. As a teacher I find this very disheartening, and I can't wait to tell my young black students that they can accomplish anything as long as they work hard for it. They can even be president some day.